This Group aims to promote solidarity amongst the Pakistani's on the issue of Easy Access to Pornography in Pakistan, as the name itself suggests.

Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Our Blog has been selected for Nomination

Thank you for your support on the issue of Pornography, and being a valued member of our group SAY NO TO PORN, Lets wage a War Against Pornography in Pakistan, Thank you for being its valuable member, it is further significant to be noted here that we have also created a blog on the main subject, we have applied for Pakistan Blog Awards, and our blog has been selected for nomination, now we need maximum number of votes to be cast in its favour, with your sincerity as well in the rights of our noble cause, vote for us in Pakistan Blog Award if you think that we deserve it. 
Click the Link Given below and open it, Click on "Stars" and Vote us as 5 Star then comment back there and let us know that how can we improve this blog and our noble cause as well.
Let's come and put hand in hand to make a chain of hope for better future of Pakistan
Thank you.


Let's Wage a War Against Pornography in Pakistan said...

Thats great news specially sinceits a very new blog

Let's Wage a War Against Pornography in Pakistan said...

Wow ... I never tought we would get this far!!

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